Tag Archives: pork

Asian Pork Fillet/Tenderloin | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Asian Pork Fillet/Tenderloin

A juicy and tender pork fillet/tenderloin marinated in all the flavours you’d expect to find in your favourite Chinese restaurant.  And so our big adventure is about to begin. This is the last post I’m writing before we head on our 10 week African adventure. I have five posts lined up for while I’m away, one […]

Sausage Stuffed Zucchini | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Sausage-Stuffed Zucchini

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. When I first started Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind, I wasn’t very well-organised. I decided to start the blog without having any content prepared or recipes tested. I was flying by the seat of my pants, but it was all because I was so […]

Lumpiang Shanghai (Filipino Spring Rolls) | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Lumpiang Shanghai (Filipino Spring Rolls)

Many moons ago, I dated a guy whose mum was from the Philippines. I am not joking when I tell you that she was straight up the friendliest, nicest person I have ever met in the entire world. She was absolutely gorgeous and every time there was a gathering or party, she made the most delicious […]

San Choy Bau | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

San Choy Bau

It’s no secret that I love Asian food. I love the smells, the texture that you get in each bite, but most of all, the flavours. Each dish is loaded with so many flavours, textures and smells, it’s like the best kind of sensory overload possible. From the salty soy sauce to the aromatic garlic to […]

Pork and Mushroom Pan-Fried Dumplings | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Pork and Mushroom Pan-Fried Dumplings

I was all ready to post this recipe last Wednesday, with a little spiel about how I wasn’t going to be posting for a week or so because Iain and I were off to Russia. RUSSIA! We were so excited. We were going to spend 3 days in Moscow, 3 days in St Petersburg, then […]