Monthly Archives: October 2014

Sausage Stuffed Zucchini | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Sausage-Stuffed Zucchini

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. When I first started Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind, I wasn’t very well-organised. I decided to start the blog without having any content prepared or recipes tested. I was flying by the seat of my pants, but it was all because I was so […]

Russian Caramel | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Russian Caramel

Is it too soon for me to mention the C word? No, not the rude C word. I mean Christmas! I think it’s about to get all Christmassy around here very, very soon and I can’t wait. I heard the first Christmas song of the season on the radio the other day. A little early you […]

Chicken Enchilada Casserole | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Chicken Enchilada Casserole

Olé! Let’s get all Mexican up in here! Are you a fan of Mexican food? Or should I say Tex-Mex? In Australia, we didn’t have much Mexican influence when I was growing up (why would we on the other side of the world?). All I knew about Mexican food was the big, yellow Old El Paso box, and […]

Piñata Cake | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Piñata Cake

So. Tomorrow is Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind’s first birthday! Wow! I can’t believe how quickly the last year has gone. There have definitely been times where I’ve been a bit over it all, but there have been many, many more times where I’ve really, truly enjoyed the whole thing and couldn’t imagine my life […]

Roasted Red Pepper & Goats Cheese Alfredo | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Roasted Red Pepper and Goats Cheese Alfredo

Iain and I have been doing a weekly meal plan in our house for a while now and I absolutely love knowing what’s coming up on the menu for the week. We had always done a basic meal plan, but we tended to stick to tried and true recipes. Something about going that step further and sitting […]

Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding | Close Encounters of the Cooking Kind

Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding

We’re in for a cold spell this weekend in London. September was milder and drier than usual, but I think October will put us back in our place; show us who’s boss. With the cooler weather coming, it’s the perfect time for the puddings to come out. Not the American kind of pudding either; the […]